*thRowBack* Songwriter Rob Fusari

In case you are unaware, Rob discovered Gaga, connected the dots to get her signed but was so greedy even after making millions of dollars from his catalog of hits, that he edited their contract to where the court deemed it unlawful and has since parted ways with the lil monster, that is now GaGa.

all you need to know.

Interview With Top Attorney Donald Passman, Author of "All You Need To Know About The Music Business"

timeless writing.

When you decide to make songwriting a career, consider it a lifetime commitment mirroring the group Sade. Timeless music for decades.

a songwriters award for greatness.

Phil Collins to receive Mercer Award at Songwriters Hall of Fame in NY. This award is only awarded to someone who has "established a history of outstanding creative works."

The mind behind Empire State of Mind

"Empire State of Mind" -Jay Z & Alicia Keys
Angela Haute
For many, the business of songwriting is as elusive as a Rubik cube simplistic components. This writer's story is a remarkable testament of hard work and dedication to one's art and passion.